Character Generation Rules

Character generation:

Hero Lab is the preferred system for generating characters.

Hit Points:

Max Hit Points for levels 1, 2, and 3. Average Hit Points for each level thereafter.

Ability points:

Use the Point Buy system as per the Players Handbook. All characters get 28 points. No additional points are given unless earned during game play. All ability scores start at 10.

Using Hero Lab, when prompted to configure your hero, select Nonstandard Point buy 40.  (Hero Lab deducts 12 automatically to bring base scores from 8 to 10. As such you only have 28 points to spend instead of 40.)  You must use or lose all initial character generation points. No stats may be raised above an 18 during character generation except through racial modifiers.

Money and Equipment:

Starting gold is max for a 1st level character of the appropriate class.

Normal starting equipment is free.

Arcane spell casters do not need to itemize spell components, and get normal mundane spell components for free. Spell components and spell book must be listed on the character as a carried item. Only very expensive or rare spell components must be bought or found.

Faith spell casters must have a holy/unholy symbol listed on the character as a worn item. Normal mundane holy symbols are free. Anything extravagant must be bought or found. Faith spell casters get normal mundane spell components for free. Only very expensive or rare spell components must be bought or found.

Rogues, Assassins, and Bards may get a normal mundane set of thieves’ tools for free and must have them listed on the character if they intend to use them. Anything extravagant must be bought or found.